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Bill 23 – Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Use in Ontario 2020

The Government of Ontario is moving forward with the introduction of legislation for commercial motor vehicles that move people and goods within the Province of Ontario.

Bill 23 will replace paper logbooks with 3rd Party, certified electronic logging devices (ELDs).

The Bill amends the Ontario Highway Traffic Act to require that operators ensure their commercial motor vehicles are equipped with an electronic logging device.


This Bill also requires that the information recorded on the device must be in accordance with the Technical Standard for Electronic Logging Devices that can be found at the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA).

The Bill received unanimous support from all parties in the Ontario Legislative Assembly at Second Reading on October 28, 2020.

The government Bill must still go through one more reading and receive Royal Assent, at which point amendments to the hours of service regulation can begin soon thereafter.

In the interim, the Government of Ontario is reaching out to the industry to determine the best path forward to implement ELDs for intra-provincial carriers.

To assist you to better understand how ELDs work, I have included a link to ELD Use in Ontario for your convenience.

The Government of Ontario is also seeking your feedback from their MTO ELD Survey on timelines and appropriate exemptions in order to ensure ELDs are implemented effectively in Ontario and do not burden our trucking industry unnecessarily.

The information they receive from this survey will help shape how Ontario moves forward with the use of ELDs for intra-provincial carriers.

So if you are an Ontario-based operator of commercial motor vehicle, please take a moment from your day to help shape the direction of how ELDs will be deployed in Ontario.

If you have specific questions, please send them electronically to [email protected].